Are you asleep?


Jesus asked this question to his disciples in the garden of gethsemane. Jesus went off to pray knowing what was coming for him. He asked the disciples to stay and watch and instead they fell asleep.They didn’t see the significance of being spiritually prepared.

At our Wednesday night service Pastor Rob asked us all this very same question. Are you asleep?

He spoke about needing to have a spiritual reflex in our lives. Just as Jesus did. He knew that the hour had come and he was feeling all the emotions anyone of us would knowing what was about to happen. He knew that he needed to be in prayer and cry out to his father.

Pastor Rob explained that we so often run to other things when facing our own problems instead of running to our father. He said we need to check our spiritual reflex.

He spoke about being spiritually prepared. He said that when we are prepared we are more confident in ourselves and can be more effective for the kingdom.

We as believers need to realize that being spiritually prepared help us tackle what’s coming. We cannot go to prayer as a last resort we need to make it a first priority.

Pastor Rob told us that the enemy is waiting for us to fall asleep so he can ruin the harvest God wants to give us.

He said that we become so familiar with church and ministry that we don’t realize we have become lazy and have fallen asleep. We aren’t taking care of our spirit, so our fire for God burns out without us even realizing it.

I have been in church for 11 yrs and I have to admit in those years there were times I became lazy and fell asleep. I allowed life to take over. Last year was tough,it wasn’t until the thing I loved was taken away & I had realized that I just like the disciples was not spiritually prepared. Church was no longer open so being “busy” wasn’t a option. I got to rekindle the fire I had when I first got saved, fall in love more with Jesus and come back stronger.

Pastor Rob said it perfectly, he said that prayer can give us the strength to get through the hardest things in our life. He said we cannot be lazy. The hour is coming, it’s time to wake up.

You can’t teach what you haven’t experienced-PR

Jennifer Alcaraz